Retirement News

Latest Taunton Retirement news:

October 9, 2014
The City of Taunton is happy to announce that it will offering a voluntary dental program to all retirees over the age of 65. This is a RETIREE PAY ALL PLAN, with the City making NO contribution for any portion of this Voluntary Dental Program.

Please click link below to download further information.
October 3, 2014

An election will be held on Thursday, November 6, 2014 for the purpose of electing one board member to serve on the five-member Taunton Retirement Board for a term of three (3) years, said term to run from December 1, 2014 thru November 30, 2017. 

The following is a list of candidates running for election to your retirement board:

Thomas A. Bernier, Active Firefighter
Dennis M. Smith, Active Police Officer

August 1, 2014
The Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission (PERAC) recently published its Annual Report which details the financial health of all Massachusetts Public Employee Retirement Systems. 

Taunton finished strong in 2013.Taunton posted a +19.06% return for 2013 and ranked #14 out of 105 systems for the year.  Since 1985, which measures a 29-year period, Taunton has earned an annualized return of +9.95% tying it for 6th place out 105 retirement systems.  ... Read Full Article
December 29, 2013
At a meeting of the Taunton Retirement Board on December 20, 2013, a motion was made by boardmember Richard T. Avila, seconded by boardmember Peter H. Corr and the Board unanimously voted to approve an increase in the COLA from 1.5% to 3% up to the first $14,000 (base) of the retirement allowance.  This will be effective as of July 1, 2014 and payable with July 31, 2014’s checks.  Eligible retirees and survivors to receive the COLA will be those with a retirement date on or before... Read Full Article
December 11, 2013
The Taunton Retirement Board will meet on December 20, 2013 to review the feasibility of granting a Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) to retirees and survivors of the system.  The Consumer Price Index (CPI) was recently calculated for social security recipients and was set at 1.7%.  The Board will review increasing the 1.7% CPI amount up to 3% which is the maximum rate allowed by state law.  The 3% can only be applied up to the first $14,000 (base) of the retirement allowance.... Read Full Article
November 4, 2013
Pursuant to best-practices policy guidelines, the Taunton Retirement Board is requesting proposals for Actuarial Consulting Services to conduct an actuarial valuation of the City of Taunton Contributory Retirement System.

A copy of the Requests for Proposals may be obtained by calling (508) 821-1052 or via email at

Proposals are due on or before 3:00 p.m. on December 10, 2013 and should be sent to:Taunton Retirement Board

Mr. Paul J. Slivinski,... Read Full Article
October 25, 2013
Incumbent and retired police officer Peter H. Corr was re-elected at the October 24, 2013 retirement board election. In a close battle, Corr held off challenger Dennis M. Smith, an active Taunton police officer and detective. A record number of members and retirees cast ballots. The final results of the election were as follows:

Peter H. Corr - 543 Votes
Dennis M. Smith - 453 Votes
Disqualified Ballots - 1
Total Ballots - 997

"As election officer, I would like to thank all... Read Full Article
October 4, 2013
The upcoming election for the Taunton Retirement Board will take place on October 24, 2013 at the retirement board office polling place located at 40 Dean St., Unit 3, Taunton, MA.

If you cannot physically vote on October 24th, you may request an absentee ballot for the following reasons:

I will be absent from the city where the polling place is located during 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on 10/24/2013.
I will be unable to cast my vote in person on 10/24/2013 for reason of religious belief.
I... Read Full Article
September 23, 2013
An election will be held on Thursday, October 24, 2013 for the purpose of electing one board member to serve on the five-member Taunton Retirement Board for a term of three (3) years, said term to run from January 1, 2014 thru December 31, 2016.   All eligible active and inactive members will vote at the Taunton Retirement Board offices, 40 Dean Street, Unit 3, Taunton, MA. from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   Mark your calendar now and VOTE for the candidate of your choice on... Read Full Article
July 3, 2013

The term of current elected member Peter H. Corr will expire on December 31, 2013.  Therefore, an election will be scheduled for Thursday, October 24, 2013 for the purpose of electing one board member to serve on the five-member Taunton Retirement Board for a term of three (3) years, said term to run from January 1, 2014 thru December 31, 2016.  

All holding membership in the Taunton Retirement System may qualify... Read Full Article