Retirement News

Latest Taunton Retirement news:

July 26, 2017
The term of current elected member Dennis M. Smith will expire on November 30, 2017.  Therefore, an election will be scheduled for Thursday, November 2, 2017  for the purpose of electing one board member to serve on the five-member Taunton Retirement Board for a term of three (3) years, said term to run from December 1, 2017 thru November 30, 2020. 

All holding membership in the Taunton Retirement System may qualify as a candidate provided they file with the Taunton Retirement... Read Full Article
April 4, 2017
The Taunton Retirement Board voted at its regular monthly meeting on March 22, 2017 to grant a 3% COLA to eligible retirees and survivors effective July 1, 2017 up to the first $15,000 (base) of the retirement allowance.  The maximum increase a pensioner could receive is $37.50/month.  To be eligible for the COLA, the member/survivor must have retired prior to June 30, 2016.  Motion to approve the 3% COLA was made by board member Dennis Smith, seconded by Barry Amaral... Read Full Article
March 23, 2017
Open enrollment for all employees who are eligible for Health Insurance will be conducted from March 27 to April 21, 2017.
January 20, 2017
A decision has been issued by the Contributory Retirement Appeal Board (CRAB) concerning the granting of creditable service pursuant to G.L. c. 32, § 4(2)(b) for Police & Fire who had reserve time and this has been accepted by the Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission (PERAC).

There were two recent cases – Grimes v. Malden Ret. Bd. & PERAC, CR-15- 5 (CRAB 2016) and Gomes v. Plymouth Ret. Bd. & PERAC, CR-14- 127 (CRAB 2016) – which has changed the... Read Full Article
December 21, 2016
We reflect on the past year 2016 and all the blessings we have received.  We remember all our retirees & members who have passed away and keep their families in our thoughts and prayers.  We congratulate all the new retired employees who worked so hard for many years and now have their much deserved retirement!  On behalf of the retirement board and staff, It is with these thoughts that we would like to wish all our retirees and members a very Merry Christmas and a healthy... Read Full Article
December 9, 2016
Incumbent Peter H. Corr won re-election to the Taunton Retirement Board at an election held on December 1, 2016.  Corr, a retired police officer and a board member for the last 30 years, held off two challengers for a seat on the board – Fire Lieutenant Thomas A. Bernier and Deputy Fire Chief Michael Sylvia.  Corr received 468 votes, Bernier 147 votes, and Sylvia 129 votes.  Corr’s new 3-year term will run from January 1, 2017 thru December 31, 2019.  Member Corr... Read Full Article
November 2, 2016

An election will be held on Thursday, December 1, 2016 for the purpose of electing one board member to serve on the five-member Taunton Retirement Board for a term of three (3) years, said term to run from January 1, 2017 thru December 31, 2019.   

The following is a list of candidates running for election to your retirement board:

Peter H. Corr, Retired Police Officer (incumbent)
Thomas A.... Read Full Article
August 8, 2016

The term of current elected member Peter H. Corr will expire on December 31, 2016.  Therefore, an election will be scheduled for Thursday, December 1, 2016 for the purpose of electing one board member to serve on the five-member Taunton Retirement Board for a term of three (3) years, said term to run from January 1, 2017 thru December 31, 2019. 

All holding membership in the Taunton Retirement System may... Read Full Article
May 3, 2016
At a meeting of the Taunton Retirement Board on April 27, 2016, the Board discussed the FY2017 Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA).  After review of the system’s financial condition and improving funded status, the Board unanimously voted to approve a 3% COLA effective 07/01/2016 to retirees and survivors to be applied up to the first $15,000 of a recipient’s annual retirement allowance.  Eligible recipients will be those who retired or began survivor benefits on or before June... Read Full Article
April 6, 2016
The Taunton Retirement Board is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide Pension Administration Software Services for the retirement system.

The RFP is available up to the proposal deadline via email request to Paul J. Slivinski, Executive Director at the Taunton Retirement Board:

The proposal deadline is May 12, 2016 at 3:00 p.m.  Late proposals will not be accepted.